Work with me

SERENE Spiritual® Sessions

online or in person

Initial 1 hour Card Reading & Spiritual Coaching or Mother Wound Mentoring – £45 

Deep Dive 2 hour Serene Spiritual®  Hypnotherapy Sessions – £125 


These can include past life regression and inner child healing hypnotherapy, as as well mother wound and spiritual coaching

Mother Wound Coaching

Whether you are struggling with wounds from a harmful relationship with your mother, who you no longer see, or want help to navigate a current difficult relationship with your mother, or you simply want to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.  I can guide you to start holding healthy boundaries and reclaiming your right to peace and happiness.

Spiritual Coaching and Card Reading 

If you would like guidance on connecting with your spiritual side, your spirit guides or exploring how various spiritual principles can bring you a sense of peace and strength within yourself, then you will love my Serene Spiritual coaching  and card readings.

With an approach grounded in respect, acceptance and love, I will guide you through various spiritual principles that can empower you to bring more peace and joy into your life while gently bringing insight into the emotions and limiting beliefs that may have been holding you back.  Your healing journey begins here.

or if you want to take it even deeper Serene Spiritual Hypnotherapy is definitely for you. 

Serene Spiritual® Hypnotherapy 

(Includes past life regression, chakra cleanses and inner child healing).

Serene Spiritual Hypnotherapy allows us to deep dive into the emotional root causes of any issues you feel are impacting on your well-being after a harmful or difficult relationship with your mother. 

My mission is to give you a safe space, free of judgement, to explore and release the emotions you may not have felt safe to express in the past. Whilst also guiding you in releasing negative beliefs about yourself and empowering you it love and accept yourself as the magnificent divine being you are.  

Within these sessions we will also bring deep healing, and compassion to your inner child, allowing her to feel seen, heard, loved, protected and safe. 

To aid you in this powerful healing journey, I will also help you in connecting with your spirit guides, whose pure, unconditional love can bring a profound sense of comfort and acceptance.

Self-love is the key to healing all wounds, especially mother wounds and I will do all I can to guide you to realise how truly loveable you are. 

Your journey toward healing and self-empowerment is my top priority. 

Online Group Programmes


 The SERENE Way is an online healing pathway to help those who have experienced a difficult or harmful relationship with their mother, to rebuild their self-worth through spiritual connection, self empowerment and bringing love and security to themselves and their inner child. 


By connecting you to your inner wisdom, inner power and inner divinity, you can start to realise your worth is not about how useful or helpful you are, so you can stop people pleasing and start realising your right to joy, to peace and to be who you want to be. 


By helping you realise the love available to you in the Universe, you start to truly love and honour who you are and in doing you will have healthier happier relationships in all areas of your life. 


This online healing pathway includes hours and hours of pre-recorded content for you to access at a time to suit you, including Serene Spiritual Guided meditations, videos, written exercises and challenges, plus access to a beautiful community of likeminded like-hearted women. You also get group video calls with Geraldine  twice a month.





Working with Geraldine has been a journey of dealing with childhood sibling and parental relationship challenges and their consequences on my opinion of myself, through to dealing with buried emotions connected with serious health issues and the birth of my second child who was born with a disability. I am very pleased to say that close relationships have shifted in a positive way, and that I feel much safer, with more confidence and have stopped beating myself up for not being perfect! I am so very pleased I took the plunge to work with Geraldine – my life has changed significantly for the better. So worth the investment!

Cannot recommend Geraldine enough!” – KR


“Geraldine is very warm, patient, gentle, intuitive and loving. I felt completely safe to go somewhere intensely deep. The regressions and healings took me all over my lifetimes, and the metaphorical teachings and healings I took away were extremely visceral, spiritual and powerful. This lady rocks and has a fabulous gift.” – CN


“Geraldine is an incredibly gifted spiritual and intuitive healer. She has the ability to put you at ease straight away with her gentle, kind and light-hearted ways. The session we did was nothing short of phenomenal – it revealed so many things which really helped me see things in a different light, and brought such a huge sense of comfort and clarity. She gently guided me through such an amazing journey, and I felt such a sense of lightness afterwards, it was incredible! Geraldine is one of the most talented spiritual lightworkers I’ve ever met, who is able to share such incredible insights and guidance”  – CM


“Geraldine has a lovely warm character and you can’t help but open up to her…
I’d highly recommend to anyone who knows they currently aren’t being their best selves. Geraldine will help you unblock the beliefs that are stopping you and help you find things that will move you forward and support you in becoming your best self and making sure you light shines bright.” – NBO

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