
I am Geraldine Crane  your Serene Spiritual® Mentor, and I am on a mission to help women rise and heal, through spiritual connection and inner child healing. I specialise in supporting those who have experienced a toxic relationship with their mother. 


My mission is to help you reconnect with an inner source of wisdom, strength and love, to reclaim your self-worth and to know your right to peace and happiness without shame or guilt.


 When I broke free from a deeply harmful, enmeshed relationship with my mother in 2017, I felt so low,  alone and adrift, I never want anyone else to feel that way. 


You are not alone, and you can heal. 


I want to help you to start healing the wounds caused by your relationship with your mother, or any other deep wounds you may be carrying, and guide you in loving and honouring yourself, through healthy boundaries and consistent, compassionate self-care.


Through spiritual connection, self-empowerment and bringing love and security to your inner child, you can start to have a more loving relationship with yourself, but also have happier, healthier relationships in all areas of your life.


You can love who you are and live the life you want to live with out guilt. You deserve to find peace and be happy. 

Trust in your Magnificence

Discover the ‘SERENE way’ to connect with your inner wisdom, inner power and inner peace.



With my professional background as a Probation Officer and Domestic Abuse Recovery Work,  qualifying as a Clinical hypnotherapist in 2019 and Inner Child training, I have been able to bring together all those therapeutic tools, with my 20 years of spiritual development and my own personal experience of recovering from a harmful mother-daughter relationship, after I cut contact with my mother over 6 years ago, I am able to bring you a truly transformative and empowering way of helping you to accept and love yourself.



Feel seen, heard, validated and safe.



My mission is to ensure you feel safe, supported, understood and in control. 



Serene spiritual hypnotherapy,  coaching and mentoring  is all about empowering you to reconnect with who you truly are, to feel the love of your Spirit Guides and to release your Inner Child to express her needs and feel loved. 



It is time for you to feel your worth and know you deserve peace and joy in all areas of your life. 


It’s time for you to realise…you are DIVINELY MAGNIFICENT!

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Ready to experience a guided Serene Spiritual® meditation?


Simply click the button below to subscribe to my mailing list, and you’ll gain exclusive access to a profoundly relaxing Serene Spiritual guided meditation. You will be guided to a beautiful tranquil beach, where you can quiet your mind, relax and let go.


During this meditation, I’ll also gently guide you to connect with one of your spirit guides.


Why wait? Give it a try and share your experience with me. I can’t wait to hear about your journey. ✨

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